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News video games 07 May 2023, 23:01

author: Adrian Werner

Redfall is a Total Failure; Even Forspoken Had More Players

Redfall is a strong candidate for the biggest failure of the year. The game is doing even worse than Forspoken.

This year has brought many disappointments for gamers. However, it seems that even against such background Redfall stands out as a particularly big disaster.

Gamers are abandoning Redfall

The number of players playing Redfall is falling at a rapid pace.

  1. On Steam, yesterday's activity record was 1561 concurrent players. Such a result on the first weekend after the release should be very worrying for the developers.
  2. The all-time activity record for the game, set on the day of release, is also low, at a mere 6124 players.
  3. The game is doing even worse than Forspoken, which is another misfire of this year. The overall activity record for this game, also set around launch, is 12,570 players, which is twice as many as Redfall.
  4. Also, the decline in the number of players was slower for Forspoken - a week after its release, the game still reached daily activity records of about 3,000 players.
  5. Of course, it should be kept in mind that Redfall is also available in Game Pass. Given the game's poor reviews and even worse player feedback, many people interested in the game most likely decided to play using the subscription rather than buy the title. However, this does not explain why people who have already purchased the game on Steam are abandoning it at such a rapid rate.
  6. The outflow of players is all the more of a problem because Redfall is a game clearly designed with networked co-op mode in mind, so it needs a large and active user group.

Gamers are furious

Gamers are voicing their frustration in reviews on Steam.

  1. Currently only 31% of reviews on Steam praise Redfall, which is categorized as a "mostly negative" reception.
  2. Such a result means that Redfall is among the twenty worst-rated games on Steam according to Steam 250's ranking.
  3. The frustration of players is reinforced by the lack of communication from Arkane, the team responsible for the game. The studio has not issued any apology or informed how it intends to fix Redfall.

Redfall launched on May 2 on PC and Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X consoles. The game is also available as part of Game Pass on all platforms.

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